Exploring Computer Science Netbooks
SEED fully funded $17,819 to purchase 30 Netbook computers and a mobile cart for SHS math teacher Jim Krolikowski.
They are essential in the Exploring Computer Science courses at SHS. Krolikowski discusses how SEED made those courses possible and how they are helping to support STEM/STEAM in Shorewood.
What inspired you to write the SEED grant?
I was inspired by the students to apply for a SEED Grant. In conversations with both current and former students, it is clear that more engineering-type experiences are in demand. Rather than waiting for someone to take action, I decided to create my own experiences through my Computer Science courses.
The STEM/STEAM movement is really taking off in Shorewood. Was the grant instrumental in launching the Exploring Computer Science class?
Yes, the grant was CRUCIAL for making the Exploring Computer Science class work. By second quarter, we were using the computers on a nearly daily basis.
How has the SEED grant impacted your curriculum?
The SEED grant has helped make the curriculum meaningful. I can teach programming languages and theorize how things would work on a computer, but it has little to no impact on learning unless students can see the work in action.
How has this class expanded students’ learning experiences?
Students are finally exposed to the world of computing. With technology developing at a rapid pace, our lives are immersed with technology. This course allows students not just to be technology consumers, but technology producers.
Were you optimistic your grant proposal would be fulfilled?
Yes, I was optimistic that my grant proposal was going to be chosen because I realize that the Shorewood Community has been clamoring for STEM/STEAM type experiences, and this course is the first of its kind at Shorewood. Also, I am confident that the work I am doing can impact many students in the Shorewood School District.
Why do you think philanthropy is important for Shorewood Schools?
Philanthropy is important for Shorewood Schools because we have many wonderful teachers who work hard to improve the educational experiences throughout the District. Through donations, teachers have access to significant resources to aid them in their craft. In addition, donors can have the peace of mind knowing that because we have such an amazing teaching staff and administration, their donations are not wasted on projects that do not impact student learning. In fact, they are changing the lives of hundreds of students. I would invite any donors to come to my Exploring Computer Science class to see firsthand the impact their donations have on the educational experience of our students.