2013-14 Classroom Grants

2013-14 Grant Recipients

Shorewood SEED Foundation believes strong schools equal a strong community. Your donation to SEED helps provide teacher and district grants to enhance educational opportunities for our students.

$128,681.10 in grants funded during the 2013-14 school year

Grant Submitter: Leesa Maxwell, Atwater Elementary School and Pat Cebe, Lake Bluff Elementary School
Grant Description: This grant funded Leveled Literacy Intervention for students at Atwater and Lake Bluff Elementary Schools. This program is intended to accelerate the progress of students that struggle with literacy. This intensive intervention approach supplements regular reading and writing curricula.
Grant Amount: $44,137

Grant Submitter: Sara Kempand Alan Karbel
Grant Description: This grant funded the purchase, staff development, and curricular implementation of Discovery Education Streaming Plus at all Shorewood School District schools. Discovery Education Streaming Plus is a multimedia offering that can both excite and engage students while providing educators with instructional support to effectively implement the Common Core State Standards.
Grant Amount: $31,207.50

Grant Submitter: Jim Krolikowsk and Connie Jaeger
Grant Description: The grant funded an Exploring Computer Science Computer Cart project at Shorewood High School. This project consisted of purchasing 30 netbook computers and a mobile cart which was used during the instruction of the new Exploring Computer courses.
Grant Amount: $17,819

Grant Submitter: Mary Kalkop and Richard Rosen
Grant Description: This grant partially-funded a Mobile Computing Lab at Lake Bluff Elementary School. The computing lab will be made up of iPads and Chromebooks that will be used in the various classrooms within the school to enhance learning.
Grant Amount: $10,000 (partially-funded)

Grant Submitter: Lauren Stanley and Laura Beldavs
Grant Description: This grant helped fund the purchase of 30 Chromebooks, a 32 unit Mobile Charging Cart, and operating system management console licenses for the Library Media Center at Shorewood High School. In the fall of 2014, the Shorewood School District will become a Google Apps for Education (GAFE) district.
Grant Amount: $9,878.60

Grant Submitter: John Stanco
Grant Description: The grant helped fund LAUNCH: A Personalized Approach to Teaching Math at Atwater Elementary School. The goal of this project is to raise math achievement levels by using this methodology coupled with a workshop approach during math lessons. This will be done through the use of pre-tests that measure Common Core readiness and post-tests that measure Common Core proficiency levels. The project relies on Samsung Chromebooks.
Grant Amount: $9,200

Grant Submitter: Mark Harris
Grant Description: The grant partially-funded a Shorewood Intermediate School Courage Retreat developed by Youth Frontiers. The retreat is intended to help students to identify the social fears and peer pressures that undermine responsible decision-making.
Grant Amount: $2,449

Grant Submitter: Julia Nash, Atwater Elementary School and Meghan Markham, Lake Bluff Elementary School
Grant Description: This grant funded Bullying Prevention Unit, curriculum which includes a copy of the Committee for Children Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit. The program will be used at both Atwater & Lake Bluff Elementary Schools for children in grades K – 5.
Grant Amount: $2,449

Grant Submitter: Tony Schiro and Dr. Valerica Raicu
Grant Description: The grant funded the Down to Earth Experimental Physics (DEEP) Program. The DEEP Program is an after-school science enrichment program offered at both Atwater & Lake Bluff Elementary Schools that engages fifth- and sixth-grade students with physical phenomena and devices through hands‐on experiments.
Grant Amount: $1,200