Winter Grants
Grant Submitter: Jan Zehren
Grant Description: This grant funded curriculum for the Golf, Yard Games, and Rugby taught during 3rd quarter. Disc Golf and the Boot Camp units will be taught the first quarter of the 2018-19 school year.
Grant Amount: $4,958.86
Grant Submitter: Annette Korten
Grant Description: This grant helped the Shorewood Intermediate School World Language Department purchase 10 iPads and 2 cameras to initiate device use amongst the students and teachers.
Grant Amount: $4,538.50
Grant Submitter: Amelia Hernandez (SHS)
Grant Description: This grant helped fund supplies for Shorewood High School graphic art and design students (intro, intermediate, and advanced), allowing them to design and create a wide variety of objects, from t-shirts, coffee mugs, and custom embroidery to etched glass and aluminum, 13×19 gloss photo prints, vinyl wall clings, and even socks!
Grant Amount: $3,628
Grant Submitter: Josh Becker and five other teachers
Grant Description: The grant funded Documentation panels that include learning targets, photos of student engagement, examples of student work throughout the learning process, student reflections, and much more. It is one more way to make learning more powerful, not only for the students but for any guests within the schools.
Grant Amount: $474.50
Grant Submitter: Eric Matthews
Grant Description: This grant funded the expanded development of a long-term ecological restoration and living laboratory on the grounds of Shorewood High School for AP Environmental Science students. These funds purchased an adequate number of native prairie species (approximately 250 organisms) to plant in our second expansion of the plot that was established in 2017.
Grant Amount: $450
Grant Submitter: Kersten Mestelle
Grant Description: This grant helped fund three “Breakout EDU” kits. These boxes have the ability to be adapted to multiple grade levels and any teacher within Atwater School will be able to use the boxes. The kits are designed to engage students in critical thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving and help to give students a chance to conduct teamwork (CREW through EL).
Grant Amount: $450
Grant Submitter: Roxanne Tibbits
Grant Description: This grant funded first through sixth grade Newcomer ELL students to the Milwaukee Public Museum to visit the Streets of Old Milwaukee. This was the kick-off event for our expedition “Immigrants in Our Community”.
Grant Amount: $203
Spring Grants
Grant Submitter: Colleen Tierney
Grant Description: This grant helped fund Chromebooks for the Performing Arts Building.
Grant Amount: $7,199
Grant Submitter: John Stanco
Grant Description: This grant helped fund Colonial Williamsburg Institute.
Grant Amount: $3,480
Grant Submitter: John Stanco
Grant Description: This grant helped fund Whose Story Are We Telling?
Grant Amount: $2,860
Grant Submitter: Amelia Hernandez and Mike Halloran
Grant Description: This grant helped fund Visual Journalism Equipment.
Grant Amount: $2,400